Cookie policy

In compliance with Law 34/2002, on Information SOciety and E-Commerce Services, we inform of the use of cookies in the COMPANY’S website and applications in order to facilitate and improve user navigation, by remembering where they navigate to on the website, their preferences and visual configurations.

  1. Types of cookies

Depending on which entity manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and data obtained is processed, two types of cookies can be distinguished: first-party and third-party cookies. A second classification also exists depending on the amount of time the cookies are stored in the client’s browser, distinguishing between session cookies or persistent cookies. Lastly, there is another classification with five types of cookies depending on the purpose for which obtained data is processed: technical cookies, personalisation cookies, analysis coookies, advertising cookies and behavioural advertising cookies.

III. Cookies used on this website

Acceptance cookie Cookie Policy

Acceptance Cookie

This cookie is created for the cookie policy.
Analytical cookies _gat


Enable the control function of single visits. The first time a user enters the website through a browser this cookie will be installed. Only when the user changes browser he will be considered as a new user. Duration 2 years.
Analytical cookies NID Contains a unique ID which Google uses to save your preferences and other information, such as your preferred language, the number of search results you prefer to be shown per page and whether you want the SafeSearch filter to be activated or deactivated.
youtube PREF It a YouTube cookie, which stores a unique identification number to track user preferences.


A cookie which tracks which videos are visited which are embedded in the web.
youtube YSC


A cookie which counts the number of times videos are played by the user and records the events “Like” or “share video”; Duration: Session


How to modify cookies settings

You can restrict, block or delete this website’s cookies using your browser. This is done differently in each browser, the “Help” tab will tell you how.
Internet Explorer:”ie-10?

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